My {Attempt} at a Festive Wreath
>> Monday, October 17, 2011
First of all can I just say that this might have been the project where I finally realized that NOTHING is as simple as it seems in my head. My inspiration for this wreath came from where else...PINTEREST! I saw a wreath made with tulle and thought well I
The most hilarious part about this project is I seriously thought it was going to be SUPER cheap. Let's just say that I greatly underestimated how much tulle it takes to cover a wreath. I stopped counting when I reached 150 yards. I wasn't liking any of the ideas I had so far. I decided tonight that come hell or high water I was finishing this wreath or it was going in the "craft gone wrong" pile.
I used $$Dollar Store cotton spider web over the tulle and used small black plastic spiders as embellishments. My wonderful mom made me the bow which ended up being the final inspiration of the theme. All things considered I am happy with the final product. Tomorrow I will find an actual home for it.
What do you think?
Oh and the other thing I realized tonight (I really didn't just realize this, but tonight it is worth mentioning) mom is OOBER Talented. She sees something and BAM...she recreates it. She really is all the inspiration a girl could need.
Just go check out her blog Fresh Cut Flours if you don't believe me.
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